The worst joke


Janet Ruth Heller said:

I got bullied when I was a new student in elementary school, starting in kindergarten when I was five and lasting until I was nine years old. One girl told me every day during recess that I am so skinny that I can see right through you!

I was a shy child and did not know how to handle this bullying, especially the name-calling. I believed that there was something very wrong with me.


Leticia A. Mathis said:

 After five years of dating, my boyfriend told me he did not want to date me anymore because I was fat. I was so hurt, and for the next ten years, I was on a weight-loss roller coaster and a downward spiral of self-body shaming. In 2015, I decided to stop dealing with F.A.T. (Fear, Attitude, and Toxic people). I lost over 80 pounds and wrote a book about my journey. 


Body shaming was always there in society. We even face it just after a few months of our birth when someone says that the baby is too healthy for her age. At that age, we are too small to care about it. But as we grow older, it starts affecting our minds. It starts bothering us more in our teenage as we all get a little conscious about our body in our early teen days. Some people learn to start ignoring body-shaming jokes early because they get immune to it as they have faced it often since their school days. Some people are affected mentally. Everyone tries to show that they do not care when they are body shamed, but sometimes it hurts as we all are humans with emotions. It is always considered normal by society for ages. Body shaming is not a joke. There are other things to make jokes about it. Still, people find ways to deal with it. It is up to you how you deal with it. Some people feel good after losing weight though some are just okay with their weight. In the end, what matters is feeling healthy and loving yourself for being you.


Do not let your mind bully your body.

                                     - June Tomaso Wood


Believing in yourself will push your confidence upward at every stage of your life. When we love and accept ourselves every day, we live every moment truly. Usually, men and women always feel the pressure of looking perfect. Maybe movies had an impact on our thinking. We believed in what we saw since our childhood. But things are changing.


Everyone is trying to accept themselves and others with their flaws. Soon there will be a world where body shaming will never exist. Soon there will be no definition for perfect body shape. Each individual will consider their body shape, the only right shape to live happily. So, stop hating our body first, and maybe there is no need to pinpoint at someone when they have gained weight because nobody wants to hear such things again and again that they knew already. Sometimes we might ruin that moment with them just by our few words. All bodies of different sizes are naturally beautiful. We need to believe it. So, make some beautiful memories with friends and family without cracking such jokes because life is short. Our few words of appreciation can make their day better. If someone has a beautiful soul, then that is enough.


Check out this video based on ending the pursuit of perfection.


